Pediatric Dentistry in North & South Carolina

When most parents were children themselves, they would visit the general or family dentist for regular check-ups or dental work. From those experiences, fear and anxiety related to dental visits began.

This is not to say that general dentists are not suited to treat children, but it is to say that children have their own unique sets of needs that reach far beyond the actual treatment they receive in the chair.

Children normally visit pediatricians for their medical care. Here, they learn about how to create healthy habits for a strong body. By the same token, a child who visits a specialized pediatric dentist learns how to create healthy habits for strong teeth. Think of your kids dentist as a pediatrician dentist! A kids’ dentist will teach children the habits of:

  • Proper brushing
  • Flossing
  • Avoiding tooth decay

How to Become a Pediatric Dentist?

Extra training is required to become specialized in pediatric dentistry. Not only are these specialized professionals highly skilled at treating pediatric conditions; they are also well versed at creating a comfortable environment in their office. When the pediatric patient is in the dental chair, he or she should feel comfortable and at ease, trusting that their dentist will not cause pain; but remove the pain that may be present due to decay or damage.

When the pediatric patient is in the dental chair, he or she should feel comfortable and at ease, trusting that their dentist will not cause pain; but remove the pain that may be present due to decay or damage.


Friendly Dental Group Pediatric Dentistry

In our offices near North & South Carolina, pediatric patients are given extra care and attention. Their needs are different from the needs of adults, and we not only understand this but actually take the necessary steps to fill their needs for comfort. Our dentists in South and North Carolina may work with individual patients needs through

Our dentists in South and North Carolina may work with individual patients needs by offering special incentives, and making the patient’s experience comfortable and fun.

Pediatric dentistry is a fun way for children of all ages to receive dental care. By instituting such offices for children now, we may move forward to more people receiving regular dental care in the future, as the fear and anxiety of visiting the dentist will be abolished the pediatric dentistry offices.

Children should begin receiving check-ups from their pediatrician dentist at the age of one year. By starting early, you set your child up for healthy teeth and gums, and also enable them to experience dental visits in a nurturing and specialized environment.

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